Everything Legal

This page covers the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Imprint of Portal. As Portal goes through the beta phase, the details of this page might be updated. Current version was last updated on Jan 27, 2025

Terms of Use

These general terms and conditions govern the purchasing process, contracts, deliveries, and services offered by Roman Tesliuk (hereinafter referred to as 'the Owner', 'I') to his customers. Both contracting parties acknowledge these terms of service, accepting their rights and obligations when purchasing goods or services. The Owner reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions, alter or remove offers, and temporarily suspend sales at any time. These changes will affect all future legal transactions, but not those previously completed. By signing up for the waitlist on useportal.net ("the Website"), and at a later stage signing up and using Portal (“the Application”) you (”the User”) confirm your acceptance of the Terms of Use. If you do not agree, please refrain from using our services.

Intellectual Property

The Owner holds and reserves all intellectual property rights for the Application and the Website. Users may not, therefore, use such content in any way that is not necessary or implicit in the proper use of the Service.

In particular, but without limitation, Users may not copy, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, decode, modify, translate, transform, publish, transmit, sell, sublicense, edit, transfer/assign to third parties or create derivative works from the content available on this Application, nor allow any third party to do so through the User or their device, even without the User's knowledge.

Disclaimer of Liability

The Website is provided “as is.” The Owner makes no guarantees regarding availability, accuracy, or functionality. We are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of our website or services.


Place of jurisdiction is Berlin, Germany.

Privacy Policy

Portsl is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how the Website collects, uses, and protects your personal data when you visit the website and sign up for the waitlist. The Privacy Policy will be updated to reflect the Application use once it's available in beta.

Services & Collected Information

Email Communication: I might use Brevo to send you emails regarding early access to Portal. The information shared includes your name and email, and any other information you provide on the Portal Website. You agree to be bound by the Brevo Privacy Policy when using Portal.

Website: The website is built using Framer, meaning the information you provide when signing up for the waitlist will pass through it as well. Framer offer built-in GDPR-compliant analytics, designed with privacy-first mindset. By using the Website, you agree to be bound by the Framer Privacy Policy.

Waitlist Data Storage: The information you provide when signing up for the waitlist is stored on Google Sheets, and might be processed by Make for automations. Please refer to the respected Privacy Policies.

Security of your Information

I strive to securely handle your information in line with this Privacy Policy. However, no system is 100% secure, and I can't guarantee the absolute security of the information you share. I disclaim liability for any unauthorized disclosures to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Using Portal or sharing personal information via the Website or the Application means you consent to electronic communication about security, privacy, and administrative matters. In case of a security breach, I'll aim to notify you electronically via Service postings, mail, or email.

Data Retention

I retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined above or as required by law. For data withdrawal, please contact me here.

Privacy Policy Updates

The Owner may modify this policy from time to time due to evolving features or regulations, so we recommend checking back from time to time. Your use of the Website and the Application signifies your agreement to the Privacy Policy.


Services & Collected Information

Dienstanbieter gemäß § 6 TDG:

Roman Tesliuk
Zimmestraße 96,
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49(0)176 688 71 493
E-Mail: roman@pixelwrld.co
Internet: pixelwrld.co

Verantwortlicher lt. § 10 MDStV:

Roman Tesliuk (Anschrift wie oben)
Steuernummer: 34/556/02241

Haftung für Inhalte

Die Inhalte dieser Webseite wurden gründlich recherchiert und mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt erstellt. Dennoch kann keine Gewähr für ihre Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität geleistet werden.

Haftung für Links

Dieses Angebot enthält unter Umständen Verweise auf externe Webseiten Dritter, auf deren Inhalte kein Einfluss besteht. Für die Inhalte dieser Webseite wird keine Gewähr geleistet. Vor der Verlinkung einer fremden Internetpräsenz, wird diese auf mögliche rechtswidrige Inhalte geprüft. Zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung waren keine Rechtsverstöße erkennbar.

Ohne konkrete Hinweise auf mögliche Rechtsverletzungen, ist eine ständige inhaltliche Kontrolle verlinkter Webseiten nicht zumutbar. Sollte von möglichen Rechtsverstößen erfahren werden, werden relevante Links umgehend entfernt.


Alle auf dieser Seite befindlichen Inhalte und Grafiken unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Abweichungen sind entsprechend gekennzeichnet.

Die Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes ohne eine schriftliche Genehmigung des Verantwortlichen ist strengstens untersagt.

Auf diesen Internetseiten wirken eine Community sowie mehrere Autoren mit.

Urheberrechtsverletzungen können aufgrund der interaktiven Funktionen nicht immer als solche identifiziert werden. Sollten Sie eine Urheberrechtsverletzung feststellen, nehmen Sie bitte umgehend Kontakt auf, damit die entsprechenden Inhalte von dieser Webseite entfernt werden können


If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, please contact me at roman@pixelwrld.co

All rights reserved, 2025